Feel free to contact us if you're interested in collaborating.

Hypersomnolence Japan belongs to the Japanese government approved nonprofit organisation
" Hypersomnolence Support Network Japan "
NPO法人 過眠症サポートネットワーク
Support and care for all those who suffer from Hypersomnolence.
Our History
Our former organization was founded in 2011.
Prior to 2017 we were an unofficial support group mainly communicating via services such as LINE or Twitter and held on-line meetings for patients to gather together and talk about their issues and experiences.
Some patients created advertisement and brochures to raise awareness about Hypersomnia & Long Sleepers while others spoke with the government to convince them to include sleep disorder patients in the Japanese social welfare system.
On 2021, our current director Marina Kojima and other members have left Hypersomnia & Long Sleeper Support Organisation JAPAN and decided to set up Hypersomnolence Japan & Hypersomnolence Support Network Japan.
In 2022 we officially registered in Tokyo as an NPO (Non-Profit-Organisation) as Hypersomnolence Support Network Japan.
Our Visions
To support Hypersomnia and Long Sleeper sufferers by raising awareness of the condition, changing public perception, reduce discrimination, and creating linkages to medical and research services.
We are an NPO and all our participants and members are volunteers. Our organisation does not take any financial profits from our activities.
Our Members
・Idiopathic Hypersomnia
・Kleine-Levin syndrome, Recurrent Hypersomnia
・Long Sleeper Syndrome
・Circadian rhythm sleep disorders
・Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome / Hypermobility Spectrum Disorder
Our Activities
Create website content in Japanese
Hold online support groups and events; discussing issues, challenges and experiences in Japanese
Lobby the Government to get recognition under social welfare including; handicapped license approval, financial support for medicine and reduced doctor fees in Japan
Create and distribute awareness material to schools, hospitals and health clinics in Japan
Give advice to those who are looking for a doctor in Japan
This is an English website for Hypersomnlence Japan.
We are an none profit organization, raising awareness, advocating for all those who suffer from Hypersomnolence.
We support any medical conditions that causes excessive sleepiness.
Our patient support is normally limited to Japan.
However, after meeting people in other countries, I noticed that a lot of patients or online support groups in other countries do not have their posters brochures cards designs, but they are looking for one.
We have made this English website to upload our publications with editable form.
I thought it is a good way to help other international online support groups and spread sleep disorder awareness everywhere in the world.
All our designs are editable, so you can remove our logo and replace your logo, use them for free, translate into your language. Share copy upload everywhere for free. Please visit our Japanese website for more poster and brochure templates.
We also offer free translation services. If you run an international organization and need your website, infographic, poster, or brochure translated into Japanese, feel free to send them to us.
We have our own designer, so as long as you provide editable files, we can take care of the rest.
Since we do not have anyone who speaks English as native tongue, We are not providing much information towards English speaking countries.
Our support for English-speaking countries is currently limited to uploading our posters, brochures, and card designs here, as well as offering translation services to help other international organizations raise awareness in Japan.
Director Marina KOJIMA
We have full-time English speaking staff.
You can send your message in English.
We aim to do our hypersomnia raise awareness campaine or other activities internationally.
We are happy to have connection with overseas organisation.
*Please note, our patients support is limited to Japan.
Looking forward your contact.
You can also send Email from here